Top 5 Secrets to Flawlessly Clean Your Kitchen Like a Pro

Clean kitchen like a pro

Do you feel overwhelmed every time you step into your kitchen? It doesn’t have to be this way. With the right strategies and a few clever cleaning hacks, you can achieve a flawless finish every time you polish. In this article, we’ll reveal the top five expert tips you need to transform your kitchen into…

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Daily House Cleaning Checklist

Maintaining a clean home is essential for keeping you and your family healthy. With a busy schedule, it can be challenging to find the time to dedicate to house cleaning. We’re here to help.

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Your Guide For A Safe And Clean Thanksgiving During Covid

Thanksgiving Day is almost upon us. This celebration comes with numerous responsibilities, and planning for it is an excellent idea if you don’t want it to interfere with your life after the festival. However, this year, things will not be the way they’ve been in past years. With COVID-19 still around, your safety and that…

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Expert Recommendations on How to Trick-or-Treat This Halloween

So far, you have mastered the safe ways to host friends and family; the zoom parties, and socially-distanced backyard soiree. It is now time to test your newfound social skills with a Halloween trick-or-treat activity.  Yes, trick-or-treating amidst the pandemic is still possible. You have to understand and follow the guidelines laid out by experts. …

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4 Essential Tips To Keep Your Employees Safe During The Pandemic

As employees are slowly going back to work a few months into the pandemic, preparing workplaces for COVID-19 has become a priority for most employers.  So here a few COVID-19 safety tips for businesses that can make your workers not just be safer, but stay motivated through the crisis: Encourage Social Distancing  Social distancing is…

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5 Essential Tips To Keep Your Home Tidy While Homeschooling With Kids

2020 will be remembered, among other things, as the year of homeschooling. Although it’s nice to spend more time with the kids, we know that things can get messy. You can avoid many headaches by implementing a cleaning chores system and including your kids in it. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to keep…

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2020 Color Trends To Give More Life To Your Home

As we are slowly returning to normality after the COVID-19 lockdown, summer arrives. Although people are planning summer vacations, social distancing and other restrictions will keep motivating people to spend more time at home. In that case, re-painting your home is an excellent way to refresh your environment and give new life to your routine.…

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Best things to do in the White Mountains after the lockdown

To recover after all these long weeks of social distancing, it’s a good idea to go out and have some fun in nature. Pros: there will be enough space to keep your distance from other people and keep following the preventive measures against COVID 19. Other advantages: you will support local tourism and business while…

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What NOT to do during a health emergency like COVID-19

During public health emergencies like COVID-19, there are good practices you must follow. Probably you already know them, but in this blog, we want to talk about the common mistakes people tend to commit during these difficult times. Avoid the following points, and stay safe. Stop practicing hygiene During a health emergency like COVID-19, following…

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Prevent Coronavirus in your home with UNI-STAR special cleaning services

During the present Coronavirus outbreak, Americans are worried about personal hygiene, social distancing, and other sanitizing measures. That’s why in UNI-STAR Cleaning Service, we are providing more services to homeowners, adapting to new safety protocols, and following strict guidelines to assure no germ is left behind. Now that many people are staying at home, cleaning…

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Best Apps and Programs For Spring Cleaning

The holidays came and went and Punxsutawney Phil declared an early spring. All that’s standing in the way between you and that overstuffed closet is…YOU. We get it, no one normally wants to do extra cleaning in their spare time, but remember this – how you live reflects the condition of your mind and overall…

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Best Devices For Making Your Home A Smart House

Are you still living in the 20th century? Is your home considered by your friends as a living museum? Fear not, many people don’t know how to smarten up their homes. With so many options, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated. Don’t let the fear of technology keep you from living a productive, efficient…

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7 Creative Gifts Ideas To Avoid Cliches On Valentine’s Day

This is not a cliche Valentine’s Day gifts list. The following list is for people who want to get creative and more romantic this February 14th. There are lots of worn-out ideas and other ones that don’t work for all people. Also, for some persons, expressing feelings is challenging, and thinking of something to give…

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7 Useful Tips To Keep The Home Clean During Winter

Everyone is happy about the holidays and all the celebrations involved. But only a few people talk about the problems the winter weather brings to our homes. Talking about a bummer, right? But, if you confront these inconveniences in time, you’ll save yourself a lot of trouble. That’s why we made you a winter house…

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8 Useful Tips for Traveling with your Family during the Holidays

A sad thing about traveling is that it becomes more exhausting than joyful when you travel with family. It doesn’t always happen this way but there’s a big chance it could, especially traveling with children. On this holiday vacation, what you least want is bored children saying cliche words like “are we there yet?” or…

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3 Pumpkin Recipes To Make After Halloween

Once the Halloween is over, you can be left with plenty of leftover pumpkins and pumpkin spice with nothing to use them on, but that doesn’t mean that you should just get rid of them at all, especially when you have these absolutely delicious recipes to spend them on. After all, the season lasts until…

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3 Delicious Fall Recipes to Enjoy with Family

  The bounties of Fall are plentiful and delicious and with the summer’s end so close at hand, we thought it would be a great idea to share some of our favorite recipes for the season. We want to show you dishes that are easy to make but yield delicious, complex, and deep flavors, and…

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The 5 Best Food Spots You Have to Visit in New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s food scene has always been one of variety. From the seafood in our small but vibrant coastline to wild game in the North Country and the all-American cuisine of our many diners, the people in this state can prepare and eat amazing food in any style imaginable. So, imagine how hard it is…

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The Best Mop for Each Type of Floor

  One of the big truths about life is that sooner or later, we all have to mop. Then you realize that not everyone mops the same, mostly because using the wrong mop for your specific type of floor can do more harm than good. But how can you possibly know which type of mop…

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Enjoy These Summer Family Events in New Hampshire

They might not be famous for their sunny skies and unbearably hot days, but summers in New Hampshire (and all of New England, really) are both friendly and fun for the whole family if you know where to go, and both hold some of the coolest summer events in the whole country. From giant outdoor…

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Carpet Cleaning for Emergencies: Everything You Need to Know

It could be children, guests, or our very own clumsiness that causes it, but one thing’s for certain: Sometimes spills are inevitable. The sad part is that those spills can happen right on a carpet or rug, which is something that every homeowner dreads from the moment they lay it down. If you’re unlucky enough…

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Explore New Hampshire’s Can’t-Miss Historic Sites

Despite its small size, New Hampshire is home to many amazing sights and fun things to do for travelers and locals alike, on top of being a treasure trove of American culture and history that goes back to the founding of this country. It is a place where everyone can find something to love almost…

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Keeping a Clean Home: A Guide for Pet Owners

People who have pets know that a certain degree of general mess is to be expected from time to time. It’s just part of the experience, so why should we keep our house neat and clean every single day if our furry friend is going to undo our work in an instant? Well, as it…

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New Year's Resolution – Keep House Clean! (For Real This Time)

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-jqi2brj9′ admin_preview_bg=”] Did you know only 8% of people actually keep their New Year’s resolution goals? Don’t let those numbers discourage you this year. Time is one of the most valuable things we have, and it seems we keep getting busier each year. SLOW DOWN, smell the roses…

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Look familiar?  I’m sure all of us would love to have someone come by at regular times and help out with the cleaning, but it’s just way too expensive… Right?  Maybe not. Did you know that the average person spends 60 hours per month cleaning?  Thats right, 60 hours!  What’s your time worth to you?…

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If you’ve finally decided to hire a cleaning service, it means it’s time to start getting some quotes and interviewing different companies around the Manchester area. When your home is being cleaned by a company, you want to be confident that they will do the job thoroughly and efficiently the first time around. So before…

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You’ve most likely heard of cross-contamination and probably relate that to restaurants or hospitals, and you probably think about it when you’re making a chicken and vegetable dinner. But do you think about it when you’re cleaning up after dinner? Or when you’re cleaning the bathroom? If not, keep reading! UNI-STAR wants you to have…

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It seems like the day after your cleaning service has come to your home, there is already a sink full of dirty dishes, the bathroom is covered in hair, and there’s a stain on the living room carpet. No matter how good your maid is, your home may become a disaster zone if you and…

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